A script to learn and demo the new web-integrated Desktop.

Author(s): Anne Eagle

Quick Start:


The IRIX User Environment provides Web technology as an integral part of the desktop architecture. Three main features will be covered in this demo:
  • the Internet menu on the Toolchest - new, yet familiar ways to access the web and the internet
  • System Administration - Active Guides accessed via a web interface
  • InfoSearch - a Web-based interface which provides a single entry point to all of the documentation on your system or a central documentation server.
All files required to run the demo are installed by default with IRIX 6.5.

Product Features

The main features in the new user environment are:

  • Icon View interface to Web pages and FTP sites
  • simple access to web pages via web jumpers on the desktop
  • easier desktop icon creation and management
  • new and improved OutBox application and pages
  • Active Guides that offer detailed step-by-step instructions for each system administration task
  • InfoSearch - a web-based interface to all of the documentation on the system or on a central server

    Demo Scenario

    Several scenerios for giving the demo are provided in the demo script itself. For example, a webmaster may need to update or create a new web page. The icon views to web sites would provide quick and clear access to various HTML links and/or images that might be useful. The icon view of an ftp site would allow them to easily download a particular file or files that are to be included on the page; or the file could be put on someone's OutBox page and the webmaster could download it. The scenerio continues in the Script.

    Printing the Script

    There are actually 3 scripts, a 10-minute Essentials script, a 20-30 minute Basic script and an Extended, detailed script that includes differences between the the 6.2 and the 6.3 desktop. There is also a page of references that provide additional information about the topics as well as a "Glossary/Additional Information" section that is referenced from the scripts to provide details on how to perform various basic tasks. Each of these sections is in its own HTML document and can be printed separately; together they form the entire demo script.

  • Features:
    Hardware Options: